

Gold gold during the trading day : More Height

Gold gold during the trading day : More Height

Recommendation Gold
Entry amount advocacy : 1282.5
Pivot : 1278
Recommendation : Access shop for aloft 1278 levels of 1297 & 1314
Alternative scenario: in the case of a breach - bottomward to the akin of 1278 that this will pave the way to 1267 & 1252
Comment: On the gold blueprint today , although he could not aphorism out the adherence of the amount movement , but the addendum may be limited
Direction: bottomward trend in the abbreviate appellation and the bottomward trend in the average appellation .
Resistance levels
1326 - attrition akin during the trading day
1314 - attrition akin during the trading day
1297 - attrition akin during the trading day
Support levels
1268 - a focal point during the trading day
1267 - the akin of abutment during the trading day
1252- the akin of abutment during the trading day

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