

Against the yen, the pound is trying to resume positive Analyze -3-12-2016

Against the yen, the pound is trying to resume positive Analyze -2-12-2016

Enables pair price during trading yesterday exceeded the level of 143.20 and confirms that influenced control the rising tendency for shunning the main support currently stable around 140.30, so we will stay on the bias bullish and expect a record price of new positive goals by reaching towards 148.20 and then to gravitate toward the main goal and centered at 154.70.
Against the yen, the pound is trying to resume positive Analyze -3-12-2016
Against the yen, the pound is trying to resume positive Analyze -3-12-2016

Fastness SMA 55 below the key support level increases strength against any negative sudden fluctuation in addition to trying to rush towards the stochastic overbought level to provide turn the momentum it needs to achieve the previously proposed objectives.Expected trading range between 143.20 and 148.20.General tendency is expected for today: UP

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