

Oil crude oil during today's trading: Mel steady uptrend

Recommendation today's oil
Recommendation access amount : 101.68
Pivot: 101.50 

Recommendation: access into continued positions aloft 101.50 102.50 with ambition levels of 102.3 & 102.95
Alternative scenario: in the case of a breach - bottomward to the akin of 101.50 is accepted to pave the way 100.6 & 99.65
Comment: On the awkward oil blueprint today, the RSI lacks bottomward momentum
Direction: bottomward trend in the abbreviate appellation , the trend of accidental average term.
Resistance levels
103.55 - attrition akin during the trading day
102.95 - attrition akin during the trading day
102.30 - attrition akin during the trading day
Support levels
101.50 - a focal point during the trading day
100.6 - abutment akin during the trading day
abutment akin during the trading day- 99.65

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